Dial-A-Ride Rules

The following Operating Rules pertain to the service provided by Dial-A-Ride. If you have any questions or comments, contact the Yakima Transit Dial A Ride office at 509-575-6054.  Yakima Transit operates Dial A Ride (paratransit) services through a contract with Medstar LLC.

  1. Dial A Ride (DAR):

DAR is available for service Monday – Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Saturdays 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and on Sundays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Dial A Ride services are not available before or after these hours or on nationally-recognized holidays.

  1. How To Schedule A Ride:

DAR is available for service seven days a week. Schedule rides by calling the ride reservation number 509-248-1119, Monday thru Saturday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and Sundays from 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. The TTY telephone number is 711. Ride reservations must be made no later than the day prior to service and can be made up to one week (7 days) in advance. DAR does not provide same-day service.

Dial A Ride has a 30-minute window to pick-up clients, meaning the driver can arrive up to 15 minutes before or after the scheduled pick-up time. Passengers must be ready to go when the driver arrives. The driver is not allowed to wait for the passenger.  In this regard, Dial-A-Ride is comparable to the regular transit service, not a taxi service.  In addition, the contractor is encouraged to group riders together who have similar time schedules and destinations, as long as the time windows are met and clients are not unduly delayed.

  1. Return Rides:

Clients should schedule their return trip when scheduling their initial trip. The same 30-minute pick-up window applies to scheduled return rides. Passengers must be ready when the vehicle arrives. Drivers are not allowed to wait.

‘Will call’ return rides are only allowed for medical or dental trips. ‘Will Call’ rides will be picked up between 1-60 minutes from the time the ride request is received. The ‘will call’ telephone number is 509-248-2229. You must be ready to go when the vehicle arrives. The drivers are not allowed to wait.

  1. No-Wait Rule:

When the driver arrives the passenger must be waiting at the door and ready to go. The driver will make an attempt to contact the passenger and can assist them into the vehicle. If the passenger live in a nursing home or apartment complex with a lobby, the passenger must be in the lobby. The driver will not come to their room. Passengers that are not ready to go when the vehicle arrives will be given a ‘no show’ and the vehicle will leave. If you ‘no show,’ your trip cannot be rescheduled that same day.

  1. Fares:

Passengers must have the exact $2.00 fare or a ticket, No Fare-No Ride.  Drivers do not make change.  DAR ticketbooks are available for purchase from the DAR driver for $20.00 for a 10 ticket book or by calling Dial A Ride at 509-248-1119 for purchase information.

  1. Each Destination Is A Trip:

Each destination scheduled for you is counted as a trip and a fare will be collected. The driver is not allowed to stop and wait for you while you do an errand or to deviate from the next scheduled destination. After you exit the vehicle, the driver will continue to their next destination.

  1. Cancelling Scheduled Rides:

Cancellations for a scheduled ride must be made one hour or more before the scheduled ride or you will be counted as a ‘no show.’  All cancellations must be made through Dial A Ride at 509-248-1119 or 509-248-2229.

  1. ‘No Show’ Policy:

Frequent No-Shows or Late Cancellations may result in suspension of service.  If you have unexcused no-shows 10% of scheduled trips based on ten (10) trips within a calendar month you will be considered for suspension.  The complete no-show policy can be found here.

  1. Complete Doctor/Facility Information:

When a trip is being scheduled, we need a complete, current, and correct address for both the pickup and drop off locations, and the suite number of the doctor or facility.

  1. Personal Care Attendant/Companion/Guests:

A Personal Care Attendant (PCA) is someone designated or employed specifically to regularly assist the DAR client with his or her personal needs.  Need for a PCA must be specified in the DAR Eligibility Application.  When a person is with you as a PCA, they are not permitted to do their own shopping since they are only present to assist the passenger.  PCA’s ride fare-free; however, they must get on and off the DAR vehicle at the same time and location as the DAR client.  A space reservation must be made for PCA’s when scheduling the passenger’s ride.

As a DAR client you are allowed to take one companion to accompany you. This companion pays the same fare as you and must be picked up and dropped off at the same times and locations. You must reserve space for the companion when scheduling your ride. DAR will not take riders who are not pre-scheduled. In rare instances, additional guests may be allowed on DAR. These rides must be pre-authorized by Dial A Ride and are on a space-available basis only. When a guest rides DAR they pay the same fare as the DAR client.

  1. Three Carry On/Grocery/Shopping Bag Limit:

Only three standard sized grocery/shopping bags, not to exceed 25 lbs. each, are allowed per trip. This does not include a purse or backpack. Drivers will not carry oversize, heavy, or bulky packages.  Drivers will only carry packages or bags to the door, not inside a home or apartment.  Any client with a PCA should consider bringing a PCA who is able to carry their bags when on a shopping trip. If you are purchasing heavy or bulky items, make arrangements to have it delivered, rather than trying to transport those items on Dial A Ride. Dial-A-Ride reserves the right to refuse to transport heavy or bulky items exceeding weight and size limits specified above.

Clients are allowed to schedule occasional big grocery trips if arranged in advance and agreed to by Dial A Ride. For these trips the 3 bags of groceries rule will be suspended. Bags must still weigh no more than 25 lbs. Drivers will only carry packages or bags to the door, not inside homes or apartments.

Dial A Ride does not move personal belongings from one residence or facility to another.

  1. Unauthorized Riders:

Only the person scheduled for the DAR appointment can be transported. Family members or other individuals cannot take their place.

  1. Wheelchair Footrests Mandatory:

For safety reasons, all wheelchairs must have footrests attached in order to be transported on the lift. Exceptions must be pre-approved by Dial A Ride prior to scheduling a trip.

  1. Oxygen Tanks:

Oxygen tanks must be full upon the client’s pickup from their residence. For safety reasons, portable tanks must be attached to the wheelchair or in a portable carrying case the client can carry or hold themselves, no tag-along carts.

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