Passenger Survey Form

For what purposes do you primarily use Yakima Transit Bus system for?(Required)
How is your bus pass/ticket cost paid?(Required)
How many times a week do you usually ride the bus?(Required)
What time periods do you most often use bus transportation?(Required)
How do you get to the bus stop or Transit Center to catch the bus?(Required)
Is the Transit Center your primary location to catch the bus or depart from?(Required)
How long have you been using Yakima Transit bus system?(Required)
Do you have a car or access to a car?(Required)
*If yes, do you prefer to ride the bus instead of your car for one of or more of the following reasons:
Do you utilize any mobility aids or equipment when riding the bus?(Required)
What is your age?(Required)
How do you prefer receiving bus schedule information?(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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