
Citizen Advisory Committee

Yakima Transit has a Citizen Advisory Committee.  The group meets quarterly and is briefed on changes to transit programs.  Individuals who come to the meeting are asked for input on transit related issues.  Anyone with an interest in public transportation is welcome to attend the meeting.

For more information please visit the CAC link 


Transit Development Plan

Yakima Transit is submitting to the Washington State Department of Transportation its Six-Year Transit Development Plan and Annual Report.

These documents address state and local long and short-range priorities, capital improvements, planned significant operating changes, program funding sources, and the summary of Yakima Transit’s 2013 operations and planning for 2015-2020.  A copy of the document is available from the link below.

R-2016-108  2016-2021 Transit Development Plan and 2015 Annual Report

A hearing was held on August 9, 2016.  The plan was approved by the Yakima City Council on September 6, 2016, at their regular business meeting.



The Yakima Valley Conference of Government’s produces the Human Services Transportation Plan for Yakima County.  The 2014 Human Services Transportation Plan can be found at the following link: Yakima Valley Region Human Services Transportation Plan


Future Transit Planning

Yakima Transit is open to comments from the public on the direction that Yakima Transit should take in planning the future of the transit system.  Including both operations & capital expenditures.
Call 509-575-6175 or email us about your innovative ideas to make Yakima Transit a better system.

Yakima Transit has a citizen’s advisory committee made up of various community advocates.  Please contact Yakima Transit, if you are interested in participating.



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